Hypospadias Awareness- Learn About The Causes And Treatments

Hypospadias Awareness- Learn About The Causes And Treatments

Hypospadias awareness is important for anyone who knows someone with this condition. It can also be helpful to those who would like to know more about the condition to help better understand their child or family member. It can be a stressful diagnosis, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are ways to manage the condition and live a fulfilling life with it. If you want to learn more about hypospadias and how to deal with it, please read on!

What Is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a birth defect that affects the male genitalia. The foreskin and penis are not fully developed, so they don’t form a tube. Instead, the opening to the urethra is on the underside of the shaft or at the head of the penis. There are different degrees of hypospadias severity, and it’s very common around the world.

Symptoms Of Hypospadias

Hypospadias is when a baby boy’s urethra end up on the underside of his penis instead of the tip. This can cause some problems with urinating and make it hard for them to go about their daily life, so it’s important that you understand this condition if you know someone who has it.

Symptoms of hypospadias can vary from case to case, but common symptoms include:

  • A downward curve of the penis
  • An opening in the foreskin (called posthitis)
  • The formation of a tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body that may be visible or hidden beneath the skin
  • An undescended testicle on one side or both sides
  • A webbed penis (when a fold of skin connects two parts together)
  • An enlarged clitoris on one side or both sides

What Causes Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a condition where the urethral opening is not located at the tip of the penis. Instead, it is located somewhere on the underside of the penis. The most common cause is inadequate hormone exposure while in uterus.

There are some cases where hypospadias can be caused by injury to the tissues during birth. In other cases, there may be an obstruction of blood flow to that area of tissue in utero. Hypospadias can also be present at birth without any known cause.

It’s important for anyone who has this condition to learn about what causes it so they know how to deal with it and how to better support those who have it in their lives.

Prevention and Treatment

Hypospadias is usually caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There are some measures that can be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place, such as not drinking during pregnancy. However, in most cases, hypospadias is already present at birth and there are corrective treatments available.

The treatment for hypospadias will depend on the severity of the condition. For mild cases, surgery may be unnecessary and just a simple operation will suffice. A more severe condition may require multiple surgeries over the course of many years. This is why it’s important to know what type you or your child has so that you can deal with it accordingly and live a happy life.

Surgery Options

Surgery is a common way that doctors treat hypospadias. This surgery can be done in a few different ways, depending on the severity of the condition. One surgery method is called urethral lengthening, which is a procedure used to make an opening in the penis for urination.

The surgeon will use part of the urethra and sometimes part of the foreskin to create this opening. Another type of surgery that can be performed is called a chordee release, which involves folding back or cutting back some tissue to straighten out an abnormal curve in the penis. There are also other types of surgeries that may be recommended depending on your child’s condition. Some people have more than one type of surgery because more than one type may be needed to straighten out their son’s penis so that it functions properly during urination.


There are a few medications that are used to help with the symptoms of hypospadias. For example, topical testosterone can be prescribed for those who have been diagnosed with hypospadias and continue to experience sexual issues. Medication is often prescribed to suppress puberty, especially when surgery is on the table.

Some people will also require prescription medications to help them deal with the pain of their condition. For example, those who have undergone penis reconstruction surgery may need medication for incontinence or erectile dysfunction.

Surgical And Non-Surgical Options

The first thing to know is that there are two types of hypospadias: mild and severe. In severe cases, surgery is usually the best option because it can help improve quality of life. Surgery can reduce stress, make sexual intercourse more comfortable, and correct urinary problems. Mild cases can be treated with a non-surgical option, such as hormone therapy or surgery to release the hypospadias tissue.

When deciding on a treatment for your child or yourself, you should discuss options with your doctor before making a decision about what’s best for you.

Mental Health Support

The mental health support that comes with a hypospadias diagnosis can be helpful for those who struggle with depression, anxiety, or other conditions. It’s important to remember that there are steps you can take to better the condition and live a fulfilling life.

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